
We will handle online sales and also wholesale with Mr. Otake, a representative of Yubiken Co., Ltd, which has many import and sales records in Japan, as a partner.

■Hideaki Otake 


●The leading influencer for the product sales based crowdfunding and an official Makuake evangelist.Official curatorial partner of CAMPFIRE and GREENFUNDING.

●He has produced a total of 300 crowdfunding projects amounting to over 600 million yen.

■Kazuma Hayashi

SAATS Inc & ELITERS Inc. Founder & CEO

●Founder and CEO of SAATS Inc that is the solution provider for eBay and Amazon merchants in Japan since 2008.

● Founder and CEO of ELITERS Inc that helps international manufacturers entering to the Japanese market by starting from crowdfunding marketing followed by B2C and B2B sales activity.

● Supported over 250 crowdfunding projects launched in the role of negotiating with manufacturers for agreement terms.

URL: https://en.eliters.jp